Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 6 - Leaving Acadia

Ahh!! So much fun at Acadia National Park with our awesome friends!! So sad to leave today. We slept in a little too much, but it was some much needed rest after Cadillac Mountain yesterday. But we got up and moving, got the bikes packed, ready to go, and my bike was COMPLETELY dead. Since my bump starting skills are amateur at best, Larkin hopped on and tried to get it going with Mica pushing down a LOOOONG hill. Nothing. Dead. Dead. Dead. So Mica brought the truck around so we could jump my bike. Took a little bit to build up enough juice, but we finally got it started and on our way to breakfast!!

So we headed into Bar Harbor for some awesome breakfast. The blueberry pancakes were AMAZING but someone "doesn't like puttin' fruit in stuff that's supposed to be good" so he had tasty plain pancakes. :-)

So after our sad goodbyes, we headed out a little before noon (later than we wanted but meh). It really was very fortunate that Larkin and I were able to mesh our trip with our friends. We both feel very fortunate for the awesome experience. Acadia National Park FTMFW!! :-)

Today turned out to be pretty uneventful. We opted to skip I-95 and instead head down Rt 1, thinking the coastal ride would be more fun. But the craziness of the small tourist towns was almost more than we could handle. Took FOREVER to get anywhere. We had our sights set on VT since we'd missed a BBQ place on the way to Maine due to the nasty weather. Made it to Keene, NH, about 30 minutes from the BBQ place we scoped out on Google Maps. These places are not as abundant as they are in the South, that's for sure!

So, as we're sitting at the gas station in Keene, looking up a place to stay, and I'm playing around on FB, I mention something about a few friends checking in near Indy for the Moto GP races. We kept talking about it, but Larkin has to work Saturday. But the Battalion Chief can approve leave. His crew is on today, so he attempted to call his Lt to discuss, but he's also on his Kelly day. SO... He'll call his Capt first thing tomorrow morning when they get in (6am). Then he can run it up the chain. It's a slim chance, but if it happens? Total epicness for this trip. So fingers crossed. :-) We've got it planned out, ready to rock and roll if it happens. I'll most def need that tire we're getting tomorrow though!! Can't. Freaking. Wait. Sooooo excited!! Stay tuned!! :-)

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